Collaborative Teaching and Learning - Online course 

This course is an introduction to collaboration at school. 

The MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) on Collaborative Teaching and Learning was offered twice in its live version (Fall 2016 and Fall 2017).

The content of the course is still available for self-learning on the European Schoolnet Academy and the materials also available as Open Educational Resources in the LRE catalogue (Learning Resources Exchange).

  • Visit the course on the European Schoolnet Academy  
  • Download the full description of the course here
  • Explore the CO-LAB OERs and the guidelines on to build courses here

Why Collaborative Teaching and Learning?

Collaboration is an important 21st century skill, which should be applied in each classroom. However, collaboration is still rare in schools. That is why it is necessary to understand what collaborative teaching and learning mean and get policy support as well to facilitate the implementation of collaborative methods in schools.

Who were we targeting?

We wanted to get involved these target groups in the MOOC:

  • primary and secondary teachers
  • teachers in initial training
  • teacher trainers
  • head of schools
  • policy makers
  • other stakeholders who might find the course useful


Collaborative learning: teachers’ sharing experiences

An analysis of discussions in a Community of Practice

As part of the MOOC, participants were encouraged to share their opinion and experience in addition to discussing the various topics and questions presented in the end of each section. They posted the information on online discussion spaces called ‘padlets’ (

This analysis examines five padlets produced by participants in the MOOC first edition (Autumn 2016).

  • Download the analysis report here

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