The CO-LAB Final Evaluation and Recommendations Report is out


The CO-LAB Final Evaluation and Recommendations Report assessing the project outcomes and its impact on the educational system is now available.

 The Final Evaluation and Recommendations Report summarises practice-based evidence gathered from project participants’ on collaborative learning and teaching, through surveys, national workshops and participation in the online course and community. It also evaluates the impact of the project by revealing an analysis of conducted surveys showing that, for example ’66 % of head teachers or school managers developed or are developing new teaching/learning resources to be used by teachers in a class, to make collaborative learning easier’ with contributions of the CO-LAB project.

Moreover, the Report defines enablers and challenges of collaborative learning and gives recommendations on how collaborative learning and teaching can be implemented and best supported. ‘Teachers should have access to resources and examples of collaborative learning both based on ICT and those without ICT’ the Report reads. Find the full publication here

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