Highlights from CO-LAB session and workshop at EMINENT 2017.


CO-LAB organised a session and a hands-on workshop during European Schoolnet's annual conference - EMINENT between 15 and 16 November 2017.

Prof Deirdre Butler from Dublin City University opened the Collaborative teaching and learning session on challenging practices on 15 November 2017 at EMINENT, which was moderated by Yves Beernaert from Educonsult, Belgium. 

Viola Pinzi, CO-LAB Project Manager introduced the project and summarised the activities and results achieved so far. 
Ben Murray from National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA), Ireland shared his opinion on how collaborative learning and teaching is enhanced in Ireland and how CO-LAB project facilitates this including contributions to policymaking process. 
Fernando Franco from Direção-Geral da Educação/DGE, Ministry of Education, Portugal shared his views on contribution of CO-LAB and described the successful journey of spreading the word about the project in Portugal by visiting schools and getting around 400 teachers involved so far. 
The CO-LAB workshop focusing on Challenges and benefits of collaborative approaches in school: key aspects for implementation in the education system was held on 16 November 2017 at EMINENT as well. The workshop enabled knowledge exchange among educational specialists including policy makers and fostered a discussion around the project outcomes. This resulted in an improvement of project’s final recommendations, which will be published soon and will be then implemented in schools. The workshop was also supported by Anna Laghigna, Moderator of the CO-LAB MOOC, Prof Luis Valente from Universidade do Minho, Portugal and Magda Kirsch from Educonsult. 

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