The CO-LAB MOOC materials are now available as an Open Educational Resources


All materials from the Collaborative Teaching and Learning MOOC were just released as Open Educational Resources (OER) for anyone interested in knowing more about creating a course for education professionals on collaborative learning and teaching.


The materials, developed mainly for the CO-LAB online course, support  education professional to get a better grasp of the subject as well as provide concrete examples and hands on tools to design and assess collaboration activities at school.

To make the most out of the resources, the project also developed a brief set of Guidelines for training providers, to help build similar courses on this specific topic and get started with finding and re-using OERs.

During an online webinar, organised in January 2018, Benjamin Hertz, pedagogical manager of the European Schoolnet Academy, and Viola Pinzi, CO-LAB project manager, presented the key instructional design principles behind the development of training activities for education professionals, from the experience of European Schoolnet and the project, followed by an overview on Open Educational Resources, including key definitions, licenses options and main processes, by Elena Shulman, Digital Content Quality and Taxonomy Expert.

CO-LAB OER, the guidelines and the webinar materials are available here:

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