Great news! CO-LAB MOOC is reopen again!


After a successful first edition of the Collaborative Teaching and Learning MOOC, we have decided to run this online course on 25 September 2017 on the European Schoolnet Academy platform again!

Collaboration is an important 21st century skill, which should be applied in each classroom. 

Four modules of the CO-LAB course will help you:

  • get insight into collaborative learning as such, 
  • get inspiration on how to design collaborative learning activities in your school,
  • evaluate the whole process of learning together,
  • understand how teacher collaboration can support the collaborative learning of your students. 

This course targets primary and secondary teachers, teachers in initial training and teacher trainers but contains useful information for head of schools and other stakeholders such as policy makers as well. 

For more information and registration, please visit the course on our EUN Academy platform. 

Have a look at our introductory video! 

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