

CO-LAB final workshops conclude key implementation phase at country level

The CO-LAB debriefing country workshops took place in all six partners' countries in May and June 2017, wrapping up the cycle of events started in the spring 2016.



A new approach to learning and teaching of a group of school students – The second COLAB workshop in Poland

On March 6th 2017, the second COLAB workshop in Poland was held in Warsaw. The workshop was attended by over 50 people, including about 30 representatives of schools of various education level and 10 consultants and methodological advisors working with school teachers.



CO-LAB Workshop at the Pädagogische Hochschule (PH), Vienna, 27 March 2017

On February 27, 2017 the second, CO-LAB country workshop was held at PH Vienna to discuss the implementation of "Collaborative Learning and Assessment" in the classroom.


CO-LAB MOOC still available as open course!

CO-LAB MOOC on Collaborative Teaching and Learning run very successfully on the European Schoolnet Academy in the fall 2016, with more than 2000 participants enrolled.


CO-LAB launch workshops at national level in Austria, Poland and Portugal

After a very successful launch of CO-LAB in Ireland on 17 May, three other partnering countries had their launch events on 18 May – Austria, Poland and Portugal.


Co-Lab national launch in Ireland was big success

CO-LAB, the project focused on making collaborative teaching and learning a reality in the 21st century classroom, has had in May a series of launch workshops in each of the project's participating countries.


The Belgian National Launch of the CO-LAB project will take place in Brussels on 15 June!

Following the successful CO-LAB launch events in Ireland, Poland, Portugal and Austria, the projects' partners in Belgium Flanders are gearing up for the national launch of CO-LAB in Brussels. The event will happen on 15 June at the premises of Vleva Association.


The CO-LAB project promotional materials are now available in 6 languages!

We are happy to announce that the CO-LAB project promotional materials are now available in Dutch, English, Estonian, German, Polish and Portuguese!


The CO-LAB project promotional materials are available online!

We are delighted to announce that the CO-LAB project promotional materials are now available on our website !


Helping mainstream collaborative teaching and learning through the new CO-LAB project

Being able to collaborate effectively is a valuable 21st century skill, yet teaching about or through collaboration remains rare in schools because of a lack of understanding of what real collaboration in an educational setting means, and because existing policy conditions do not always enable it to flourish.


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