
Final recommendations on integrating collaboration at school are now published!

After two years of activities, CO-LAB project releases one of the key project outcomes, its conclusions and recommendation on Integrating Collaborative Learning in Policy and Practice in the education system.


National experiences and recommendations on collaboration at school - Videos

The country videos comprise interviews highlighting a variety of perspectives, useful examples and recommendations on implementing collaboration in the education system from the national participants.


The CO-LAB Final Evaluation and Recommendations Report is out

The CO-LAB Final Evaluation and Recommendations Report assessing the project outcomes and its impact on the educational system is now available.


The CO-LAB MOOC materials are now available as an Open Educational Resources

All materials from the Collaborative Teaching and Learning MOOC were just released as Open Educational Resources (OER) for anyone interested in knowing more about creating a course for education professionals on collaborative learning and teaching.


CO-LAB at the Science Projects Workshop on 18 November 2017.

CO-LAB participated in the 17th Science Projects Workshop, which was held on 18 November 2017 at the European Schoolnet's office in Brussels.


Highlights from CO-LAB session and workshop at EMINENT 2017.

CO-LAB organised a session and a hands-on workshop during European Schoolnet's annual conference - EMINENT between 15 and 16 November 2017.


The CO-LAB Country Reports are out!

The Collaborative Learning and Teaching Country Reports highlight the best practices of collaborative learning from our six partner countries: Austria, Belgium-Flanders, Estonia, Ireland, Poland and Portugal.


Share your opinion on teacher collaboration before 10 November!

School Education Gateway poll on future trends in teaching: collaboration is open until 10 November 2017.


Join this eTwinning Learning Event!

Collaborative Learning and Teaching: From theory to practice online learning event will be held between 27 November and 15 December 2017.


Great news! CO-LAB MOOC is reopen again!

After a successful first edition of the Collaborative Teaching and Learning MOOC, we have decided to run this online course on 25 September 2017 on the European Schoolnet Academy platform again!


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