
Code of Conduct for Effective Collaboration in European Projects

Becoming a collaborative learning environment

January 2018

European cooperation projects are unique opportunities to create and set up lasting European collaborative learning environments to bring about better and more innovative education systems, in Europe and beyond. By becoming collaborative learning environments, they can strengthen education strategies at local, regional, national, European or international level.

For European projects or networks to be sustainable collaborative learning environments, they may agree upon and implement some key characteristics, which the present Code of Conduct tries to outline.

The Code envisages a model based on ten key features.

1.       Sharing a common vision

2.       Building on trust and internal accountability

3.       Promoting networking as Continuous Professional Development

4.       Favouring collaborative inquiry

5.       Enhancing structural elements supporting collaborative learning environments

6.       Creating new partnerships

7.       Promoting systemic efforts and changes

8.       Strengthening the cooperation dimension in education

9.       Investing in finding the adequate and appropriate resources to sustain the work

10.    Evaluating their activities internally and externally

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