CO-LAB videos

This gallery presents some of the key resources from the Collaborative Teaching and Learning course and the final recommendations videos.


What is collaborative learning?

The 4 Collaboration questions

21 CLD Collaboration Rubric

Collaborative teaching and learning - Questions and Answers session with Prof. Deirdre Butler

Assessment for improving collaborative learning

Expert answers to teachers’ questions on assessment - Session with Prof. Luis Valente

eTwinning online seminar: Collaborative Learning: from theory to practice

Other videos

The following videos have been developed within the ‘Future Classroom Scenarios’ and ‘Creative Use of Tablets in Schools’ courses on the European Schoolnet Academy (both courses were funded by the iTEC and Creative Classrooms projects respectively, and supported by the European Commission), as well as European Schoolnet’s Interactive Classroom Working Group.


What do we mean by collaboration in an educational context?

Collaborative learning in a flexible classroom  in Italy

Collaborating in project-based learning

Young Portuguese pupils' opinions about collaborative learning

The changing roles of teachers and learners


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